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Chinese Christian Electronic Music

Writer: Den WarrenDen Warren

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

I don't speak Mandarin or Cantonese or anything Chinese. I can say a few words. I hold my own in Japanese, but again, no Chinese. So, why would I produce music in Chinese?

Anyone associated with music production knows it is a titanic struggle to get listeners, even when you are putting out your best work. But it came to my attention that I was doing real well among Chinese pirates. In their words "top notch" for an independent artist. Too bad I can't numerically see what is going on.

I immediately thought, OK, if you want to pirate my music, you'll hear what I want you to hear. The most important thing to me is sharing the Christian message that Christ came to save us all from our sins. I won't bother with adding lyrics to tracks unless I think the composition is cool and catchy.

I am certain my Chinese accent is very poor, so my lyrics are sparse. But I also used text-to-speech Chinese for some evangelistic scripture reading. That sounds pretty realistic to me.

These tracks are available on YouTube Spotify and many other places, and maybe some will accidently appear in China. My distributor sends other tracks there.

Is it wrong to hope and pray that my music will be pirated? My distributor probably would not agree, but I hope I "lose" millions of dollars to pirates who download and copy my Bible-based music. God's Word will not return void. Please do whatever you can to put this music into the ears of anyone who is willing to listen. Social media, emails, whatever.

If you think this project is worthwhile or have any Bible questions, please contact me. And better yet, if you speak decent Mandarin, or some other language or dialect, and are a Christian, and want to produce something that will last for eternity, pray about collaborating with me. As a vocalist or another music producer of any type.

For now, I'll wait to see if anyone plays this music or contacts me before I do much else.



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